1.   He stated that all foreign forces would withdraw as soon as the crisis ended.

2.   There are hopeful signs that the crisis may end soon.

3.   We allowed ourselves to entertain hopes that the crisis would end soon.

4.   Amid mounting optimism that the crisis soon would end peacefully, Fujimori blasted the guerrillas in an interview Monday with the Spanish news agency EFE.

5.   And so another refugee crisis ends.

6.   And the crisis will not end until the United States does take military action to protect U.N. inspection.

7.   After the crisis ended, the post was abandoned and the Serbs got the weapons in it.

8.   But he said that he would be surprised if the crisis ended in bloodshed unless either side made a gross miscalculation in the negotiations.

9.   But outside analysts said there was strong reason to expect that the crisis would end well, if not quickly.

10.   But the crisis ended when the tour moved on, and the talks in New York reached a resolution without a strike.

n. + end >>共 1100
season 3.47%
war 2.70%
game 2.28%
stock 1.77%
talk 1.69%
price 1.60%
meeting 1.56%
trial 1.20%
term 1.14%
strike 1.08%
crisis 0.68%
crisis + v. >>共 514
be 18.74%
begin 5.46%
have 2.52%
erupt 2.44%
hit 2.34%
end 2.30%
come 2.20%
force 2.09%
lead 1.99%
affect 1.58%
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